Buying yourself a house is a burdensome decision that a lot of people make at a certain point in their life. This is of course because a lot of things can go wrong. You don’t have enough money to pay off the thing, it burns downs to the ground without having the right insurance, you have to sell your house again as a consequence of your divorce, it’s just not what you expected from it, it can have a very annoying smell or you just ended up with the wrong house.
Maybe you were about to buy yourself a house but you started worrying after reading the above. That’s exactly the point were European music professors Gerrit van Zwanendonk en Robbe Klein Hofmeijer come to the rescue. Especially for those people but above all for all music lovers in the world, they both compiled a list of 50 albums you must hear before you buy a house. After all, the end of the year comes near, a period in which a lot of people use their bought houses to make lists, to listen to lists and to criticize lists. As such both anthologists welcome you to comment their selections.
Today we’ll kick off with 50-46:
46. dEUS – The Ideal Crash (1999)
47. Fugazi – 13 Songs (1989)
48. The Zombies – Odessey & Oracle (1968)
49. Pavement – Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain (1994)
50. They Might Be Giants – Lincoln (1988)
46. Creedence Clearwater Revival – Cosmo’s Factory (1970)
47. The Doors – The Doors (1967)
48. Fleet Foxes – Fleet Foxes (2008)
49. Janis Joplin (and the Full Tilt Boogie Band) – Pearl (1971)
50. Kyuss – Blues for the Red Sun (1992)
Both lists contain one album from the magical album year 1967 (as Odessey and Oracle was actually recorded in1967, before being released in 1968), so we ask you which of those two albums is your favorite and why. Use the poll and comments to give your opinion about it.